At its peak, India’s third biggest lender, the famous name Dewan Housing Finance Corporation or DHFL founded by renowned Rajesh Kumar Wadhawan and led by now CEO Kapil Wadhawan has seen its days from glory to gloomy days. It is a company which created a huge buzz in Indian stock market in 2018 through 2019. The Business Model To understand the DHFL crisis we have to understand the business model of such shadow banks or commonly known as Non-Banking Financial Company or NBFC. NBFC or shadow banks are basically banking companies without public banking licence from the Reserve Bank of India. NBFC’s like DHFL are in business to lend out loans for housing development and secure project development rights in tier 2 and tier 3 cities. These NBFC’s do not use their own money to lend out to its customers, rather it raises money from mutual funds and issues its debt instruments or debt paper. They earn money using spread technique, the difference between interest earned from its customers...
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